About us

Founded in the lunar calendar year 5760, Shalom Clothing is a message driven lifestyle clothing company. Our vision is to create timeless apparel that carries a message of peace, while incorporating world cultures and our environmental philosophies. Peace, Success, Tranquility, Comfort, Safety, Integrity, and Well Being are the 7 Elements we have chosen to portray a positive lifestyle. At Shalom, we’re committed to promoting change by using the highest quality products, combined with thought provoking designs. Each garment is created with purpose and every season is thematically designed to create innovative clothing while staying true to our message. Make peace not war!

SHALOM – Thank you to all the supporters who embrace our message and product!


Designer / Manager/ Peacemaker / Artist / Visionary


JACOB ALEXANDER SEEDMAN - Designer / Manager / Peacemaker / Artist / Visionary
Jacob Alexander Seedman (aka Jacob Shalom) came up with the vision of Shalom Clothing in 1999 (5760 on the Lunar calendar) during active duty on a US Navy Ship. His story began 42 years ago.

Mr. Seedman was born and raised in Salinas, CA. His love for art arose early at the age of five, when he began constantly studying and drawing things around the house– before even learning to read or write.

At the age of eight he fell in love with skateboarding, and the stylized art of skateboard graphics by Santa Cruz local Jim Phillips. In 1988, an inspiring family visit to New York sparked the nine-year-old Jacob’s curiosity for graffiti- the underground subculture that spawned into what’s known today as street art.

Jacob’s passion for skateboarding, art and graffiti fueled his creative path in life. He became an avid skateboarder and artist, and was heavily influenced by skate videos and the surrounding culture. Although academics were not his favorite, he excelled artistically in school, and his projects always stood out amongst the rest of his classmates’ work. Seedman was also a trendsetter, and his unique style impressed those around him. He would often find that people started dressing like him, and buying the same skateboard supplies that he used.

After graduating high school in 1997, Jacob attended the Academy of Art College in San Francisco, where he majored in illustration. He soon realized his creativity and ambitions needed to be defined on his own terms, so he left school. Disenchanted by the untouched range of purpose-driven-streetwear available, he took matters into his own hands and started his quest to spread peace through apparel– and merge all his passions into one platform. Thus gave rise to Shalom Clothing. His designs and message quickly gained a following with the local skate scene in his area. Stores began to place orders and support the new vision.

In 2005, Seedman joined forces with his child hood friend and Artist Eric Bailey, and they created a shirt called Bright Eyes– which gained Shalom a bigger audience.
In 2007, Seedman moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles, and took Shalom even further. Shalom was carried in over 80 accounts worldwide, and has done special collaborations with brands such as: Diamond Supply Co., HUF, The Hundreds, Digital Gravel, and several stores.

The Shalom vision extends beyond the product. We don’t just sell clothing; we sell a message and a positive way of life. Our apparel inspires and reminds individuals to seek peace, and to be at peace with themselves and those around them.
Shalom Clothing sponsors a unique range of Tribesmen and Tribeswomen around the world, some of who are world-renowned Reggae Artist Prezident Brown, singer/songwriter Saritah, DJ Toure of the legendary Hieroglyphic crew, Pro skateboarder Boaz Aquino, Rapper Kosha Dillz, and many more who skate, rap, sing, do comedy, take photos; most importantly they represent the message of peace in all they do.

Seedman continues to use his eye for design and unique style to deliver high quality products, with message-driven timeless apparel that has always upheld the original message of peace since day 1.

No matter what you are inspired by: art, music, skateboarding, hip hop, food, photography, fashion, or good quality products, if you embrace peace, and want peace in your life, then Shalom Clothing is for you. Our Message remains the same: